Domain 1 Marine Protected Area (D1MPA)


The following information on the proposed Domain 1 MPA (D1MPA) was provided by Argentina:

Domain 1 comprises the Western Antarctic Peninsula and South of the Scotia Arc. This area is subject to on-going environmental changes and it holds the largest krill fishery in the Southern Ocean.

The D1MPA preliminary proposal was first introduced for discussion during the 2017 meeting of the Scientific Committee (SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/17 and 18) and described Priority Areas for conservation based on 143 spatial data layers. During this meeting, the Scientific Committee established the D1MPA Expert Group, formed by Members and Observers (including NGOs and the fishing industry), to allow stakeholders to comment on the proposal intersessionally (SC-CCAMLR-XXXVI/19).

The current D1MPA model (CCAMLR-39/08 Rev. 1 | CCAMLR) has an extension of approximately 670,000 km2 comprising two different management zones: the General Protection Zone (GPZ) and the Krill Fishery Zone (KFZ), where over 60% of the MPA is protected as part of the GPZ. These zones would be established to achieve different conservation objectives. The D1MPA model would contribute to the protection of Antarctic krill nurseries; important areas for fish species that were overexploited in the past, and for early stages of Dissosthicus mawsoni.  It will also protect the feeding areas of emperor and pygoscelids penguins, seals and whales. Lastly, it will protect benthic and pelagic bioregions and areas of high productivity such as the polynyas margins.

Discussions regarding the proposal to establish the D1MPA are on-going.

  • (i) To protect representative examples of benthic habitats
  • (ii) To protect representative examples of pelagic habitats
  • (iii) To protect important benthic ecosystem processes, that constitute predictable high sources of productivity, including canyons (shelf incising and blind)
  • (iv)a To protect large-scale pelagic ecosystem processes that contribute to preserve foreseen features for primary productivity or food concentration - Polynyas
  • (iv)b To protect large-scale pelagic ecosystem processes that contribute to preserve foreseen features for primary productivity or food concentration - Marginal ice zone (during winter and summer)
  • (iv)c To protect large-scale pelagic ecosystem processes that contribute to preserve foreseen features for primary productivity or food concentration - Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front
  • (iv)d To protect large-scale pelagic ecosystem processes that contribute to preserve foreseen features for primary productivity or food concentration - High productivity areas (Chlorophyll-a)
  • v(a) To protect important areas for mammal and bird life-cycles, including their foraging distributions during the breeding and non-breeding seasons, and the distributions of their prey - foraging distributions of central place foragers during breeding season
  • v(b) To protect important areas for mammal and bird life-cycles, including their foraging distributions during the breeding and non-breeding seasons, and the distributions of their prey - prey distribution, including Antarctic krill, crystal krill and salps
  • v(c) To protect important areas for mammal and bird life-cycles, including their foraging distributions during the breeding and non-breeding seasons, and the distributions of their prey - predators foraging distribution during non-breeding season
  • (vi)a To protect important (spatially constrained/predictable) areas for fish life-cycles, with particular emphasis on species that were commercially overexploited in the past - spawning/recruitment areas of commercially exploited notothenioid species
  • (vi)b To protect important (spatially constrained/predictable) areas for fish life-cycles, with particular emphasis on species that were commercially overexploited in the past - occurence areas of historically commercially exploited fish populations
  • (vii)a To protect important (spatially constrained/predictable) areas for zooplankton life-cycles - krill nurseries
  • (vii)b To protect important (spatially constrained/predictable) areas for zooplankton life-cycles - sources of krill larvae and juveniles (e.g. intrusions of the Circumpolar Deep Water onto the continental shelf)
  • (viii) To protect known rare or vulnerable benthic habitats
  • (ix) To establish scientific research areas to a) contribute to the assessment of potential impact of fisheries on dependent predators, b) evaluate the potential impacts of climate change on the Antarctic marine ecosystem, c) monitor the efficacy of the MPA
  • (x) To promote multinational research and other scientific activities including monitoring on marine living resources; and generate synergies between National Antarctic Programs and the fishing industry
  • (xi) To ensure a sustainable development of the Antarctic krill fishery management in a manner consistent with the objectives in Article II of the Convention
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Revised proposal for a conservation measure establishing a Marine Protected Area in Domain 1 (Western Antarctic Peninsula and South Scotia Arc) (2019)

CCAMLR-38/25 Rev. 1
Delegations of Argentina and Chile
This paper contains the revised version of the proposed draft Conservation Measure establishing a Marine Protected Area in Domain 1 (Western Antarctic Peninsula and South Scotia Arc) as presented in last year’s paper CC-CCAMLR-XXXVII/31.

Domain 1 MPA Proposal CM 91-XXrev1: Rationale of the changes for the Proposal for the Establishment of a Marine Protected Area in the Western Antarctic Peninsula – South Scotia Arc (2019)

Delegations of Argentina and Chile
This document reflects the changes incorporated into the D1MPA proposal, based on new publications, WG-EMM discussions and documents regarding krill fishery management workplan, and suggestions made during the intersessional discussions after the D1MPA proposal was formally introduced by Chile and Argentina at CCAMLR XXXVII. It also addresses the outstanding issues raised by Members during the last meeting of the Scientific Committee (Hobart, 2018). This document provides detailed information about the rationale behind the modifications included in the D1MPA Model, in a manner that conservation objectives are achieved, while allowing for fishery to redistribute and avoid further spatio-temporal concentration. The specific changes made to the D1MPA model are described.

Proposal on a conservation measure establishing a marine protected area in the Domain 1 (Western Antarctic Peninsula and South Scotia Arc) (2018)

Delegations of Argentina and Chile

Updated background paper on the Domain 1 MPA. Part A: Domain 1 MPA Model (2018)

Delegations of Argentina and Chile
The present paper reflects on a series of documents, comments and suggestions made during the intersessional discussions since the D1MPA preliminary proposal was introduced by Argentina and Chile in 2017 at CCAMLR XXXVI. It also includes the suggestions and reviews (WG-EMM, Buenos Aires, 2017; Scientific Committee, Hobart, 2017) proposed by the Expert Group and the information provided for papers discussed during the recent workshop on Spatial management held in Cambridge, 2018. Thus, this document provides detailed information about the rationalization carried out to each suggestion made during the meetings detailed above, and includes new information about the identification of krill areas, scientific references areas, and other research activities such as those focused on Dissostichus spp. The changes included since the preliminary proposal of the D1MPA model are discussed in PART B.

Updated background paper on the Domain 1 MPA. Part B: rationale of changes (2018)

Delegations of Argentina and Chile
The present document reflects on a series of documents, comments and suggestions made during the intersessional discussions since the D1MPA preliminary proposal was introduced by Argentina and Chile in 2017 at CCAMLR XXXVI. It also includes the suggestions and reviews (WG-EMM, Buenos Aires, 2017; Scientific Committee, Hobart, 2017) proposed by the Expert Group and the information provided for papers discussed during the recent workshop on Spatial management held in Cambridge, 2018. In particular, this document provides detailed information about the rationalization carried out to each suggestion made during the meetings detailed above, and includes new information about the identification of krill areas, scientific references areas, and other research activities such as those focused on Dissostichus spp. The specific changes made to the D1MPA model since the preliminary proposal are discussed in PART A.

Further information in relation to krill fisheries in the D1MPA process (2018)

A. Capurro and M.M. Santos with contributions from the D1MPA Expert Group
The D1MPA planning process has been characterized as inclusive and transparent taking into account Members’ varying interests. In 2017 a D1MPA preliminary proposal was introduced to the Scientific Committee which scientific background was considered comprehensive and appropriate, and where further consideration of fishing activities were highlighted as needed to develop an agreed set of boundaries. This paper provides further information in relation to krill fisheries and the decisions taken in support of the D1MPA proposal, also including comments from the D1MPA Expert Group.

Domain 1 Marine Protected Area Preliminary Proposal PART A-1: Priority Areas for Conservation (2017)

Delegations of Argentina and Chile
This document contributes to the planning process for the designation of a Domain 1 MPA led by Argentina and Chile. The process has resulted in the compilation, analysis, integration and display of a large amount of information, not only contributing to the best science available but also providing a platform for the sharing and visualization of information, highlighting the multinational approach in all stages of the decision making process. In particular, this paper describes the identification of Priority Areas for Conservation (PAC) in Domain 1 - as introduced during the last EMM meeting (WG-EMM-17/23)-, which included exhaustive analyses of hundreds of spatial data layers, extensive calibration of Marxan parameters and consideration of multiple alternative spatial configurations. To assist in the MPA planning process and future management, Domain 1 was thought in terms of three ecoregions (Northwestern and Southwestern Antarctic Peninsula and South Orkney Islands) that differ not only in their morphology, geology and ecology, but also in their current management and resilience to climate change.
The identification of PAC constitutes the initial step towards the development of a Domain 1 MPA that considers both conservation and rational use of marine resources. PAC can also serve other research and management strategies by providing areas where important benthic and pelagic habitats, processes and species spatially coincide, further improving the decision making process.
In this regard, Argentina and Chile propose the Scientific Committee considers the PAC identified in Domain 1 and its relevance to the MPA planning process and other research and management strategies.

Domain 1 Marine Protected Area Preliminary Proposal PART A-2: MPA Model (2017)

Delegations of Argentina and Chile
This document contributes to the planning process for the designation of a Domain 1 MPA led by Argentina and Chile. Specifically, this paper describes the rationale behind the development of the Domain 1 MPA model, which was based on the identification of Priority Areas for Conservation (PAC, WG-EMM-17/23, SC-CCAMLR XXXVI/XX) and considerations of krill fishery management and climate change, which was introduced and discussed during WG-EMM 2017.
Given the complexity of Domain 1 and the large number of human activities in the region including research, fishing activities and tourism, the creation of a multinational Expert Group was proposed during WG-EMM-17 (WG-EMM-17, paragraph 4.2). This could constitute an appropriate mechanism to further discuss the Domain 1 MPA model, as well as the most adequate Research and Monitoring Plan, in order to achieve a management that ensures protection while allowing rational use of the resources, thus, in accordance with the Objectives of the Convention (WG-EMM-17/23, SC-CAMLR XXXVI/XX).
Within the multinational approach undertaken so far, Argentina and Chile invite Members and Observers to consider the preliminary Domain 1 MPA model and encourage them to participate in future work towards the designation of a CCAMLR Domain 1 MPA through the Expert Group or other agreed mechanisms.

Domain 1 Marine Protected Area Preliminary Proposal PART B: Conservation Objectives (2017)

Delegations of Argentina and Chile
This document contributes to the planning process for the designation of a Domain 1 MPA led by Argentina and Chile (SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/17 and SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/18). Particularly, this report summarizes the results and decisions taken in a series of international workshops specifically developed to assist in the Domain 1 MPA planning process, including the 2012 - First International Workshop held in Valparaiso, Chile, (WG-EMM-12/69); the 2013 Binational Workshop (Chile-Argentina) held in La Serena, Chile (WG-EMM-14/40), the 2015 Second International Workshop for identifying Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Domain 1 of CCAMLR held in Buenos Aires, Argentina (WGEMM-15/42); and the 2016 Informal Workshop on Domain 1 MPA held in Bologna, Italy (WGEMM-16/73).
This report has been compiled by the authors based on expert discussions held during the above workshops. The list of participants for these Workshops can be found in Annex 3. A revised version with a complete list of authors is proposed to be submitted to CCAMLR Science (SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/16).

Domain 1 Marine Protected Area Preliminary Proposal PART C: Biodiversity Analysis by MPA zones (2017)

Delegations of Argentina and Chile
This document contributes to the planning process for the designation of a Domain 1 MPA led by Argentina and Chile. In particular, this paper provides a biodiversity analysis by zone for the Domain 1 MPA preliminary proposal introduced during the last EMM meeting (WG-EMM-17/23; WG-EMM 17/24; WG-EMM-17/25 Rev. 1). Conservation objects comprise different extensions and are distributed differently in Doman 1; while some of them occupy very small areas – such as polynyas – others extend over larger areas -like benthic ecoregions. In general, it may be difficult to protect all spatial features, especially when their distribution is complex. The Domain 1 MPA model was generated based on Priority Areas for Conservation (PAC, SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/17) and taking into consideration the krill fishery and climate change (SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/18). The MPA model achieved the targets for almost 90% of the conservation objects, including the protection for all the areas considered to be important for birds, mammals and fishes. The proposed MPA fulfils the level of protection the international community agreed on for Domain 1. Substantial reductions of this MPA could potentially compromise, at least to some degree, the protection of the conservation objectives established by the Convention, for the designation of MPA in Antarctica.

Proposal for the creation of a Domain 1 MPA Expert Group (2017)

Delegations of Argentina and Chile

Simulating nursery areas for Antarctic krill along the western Antarctic Peninsula with relevance for the Domain 1 MPA Planning process (2017)

Delegations of Argentina and Chile

Domain 1 Marine Protected Area Preliminary Proposal – PART A: MPA Model (2017)

This draft is aimed to describe the process for the designation of an MPA in Domain 1 led by Argentina and Chile. The process has resulted in the compilation, analysis, integration and display of a large amount of information, not only contributing to the best science available but also providing a platform for the sharing and visualization of information. We highlight the multinational approach in all stages of the decision making process towards identifying Priority Areas for Conservation (PAC) in Domain 1. A technical description of the software and analyses used for the identification of the PAC is provided. Thereafter, considerations of both ecological and management components are described to finally arrive to a Domain 1 MPA model to be discussed among members during the EMM-2017. The MPA management will be done in accordance with the Objectives of the Convention. Having in consideration all the issues mentioned above, a multinational Research Steering Committee is proposed in order to engage all interested Members in the discussion and development of a Research and Monitoring Plan, thus reaching the best available solution for the management of the proposed MPA, one that takes into account conservation objectives, as well as other ecosystem services, such as krill fishing.

Domain 1 Marine Protected Area Preliminary Proposal – PART B: Conservation objectives (2017)

This report summarizes the results of a series of international workshops specifically develop to assist in the Domain 1 MPA planning process, including the 2012 - First International Workshop held in Valparaiso, Chile, (WG-EMM 12/69); the 2013 – Binational Workshop (Chile-Argentina) held in La Serena, Chile (WG-EMM 14/40), the 2015 - Second International Workshop for identifying Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Domain 1 of CCAMLR held in Buenos Aires, Argentina (WG-EMM 15/42); and the 2016 - Informal Workshop on Domain 1 MPA held in Bologna, Italy (WG-EMM 16/73).
This report has been compiled by the authors based on expert discussions held during the above workshops. The list of participants for these Workshops can be found in Annex 3.

Domain 1 Marine Protected Area Preliminary Proposal – PART C: Biodiversity Analysis by MPA zones (2017)

WG-EMM-17/25 Rev. 1
Conservation objects comprise different extensions and are distributed differently in Doman 1; while some of them occupy very small areas –such as polynyas– others extend over larger areas -like benthic ecoregions. In general, it is complicated to protect all spatial features especiallywhen their distribution is complex. The Domain 1 MPA model was generated based on priority areas for conservation and taking into consideration the krill fishery and climate change. The model achieved the targets for almost 90% of the conservation objects, including the protection for all the areas considered to be important for birds, mammals and fishes. The proposed MPA fulfils the level of protection agreed by the international community for Domain 1. Substantial reductions of this MPA could potentially compromise - at least at some degree – the protection of the conservation objectives established by the Convention for the designation of MPA in Antarctica.

Table - Specific objectives to be achieved within each zone of the Domain 1 MPA

This table is from CCAMLR-38/25 Rev. 1 Annex B Table 1 and indicates how the specific objectives of the proposed D1MPA link to each MPA zone(s) and or ecoregion(s).